Monday, November 23, 2009

What an exciting time to be at Cal (minus the fee hikes)

Hearing about all the protests at Cal makes me wish I was still a student and part of the action. I'm lame so I'd just kinda sit on the side and watch, but my point is, EVERY generation at Cal (i guess the whole UC system this time) is going to have a protest to remember it by. Right?? I mean when u think about Cal don't u just think about all the hardcore druggies on acid and shit fighting against the establishment to bring peace and love (and stds) to this world? That's their legacy.

The protests this past weekend might be the biggest moment of our generation. Its tiny in comparison, but damn if ever goes down as a defining event in the history of Cal, I'm telling my kids I was there.


  1. I agree completely! I'm so proud to be a part of Cal...I was watching videos online about it here in NY and wish I could've ran outside and joined too. The collective energy is just amazing -- like when Obama got elected. What an awesome memory, definitely.

  2. Umm, but you weren't there. I mean, for the protests.

    However, it is not too late for you to write a letter to the UC Regents, or to your congressmen asking that next year the UC gets a bigger budget! Come on Josh, Jennifer doesn't like laziness and passivity.
